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Taking Care of You!

Taking care of you in an uncertain time

With Today's Events . . . 

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic we all begin planning how to adjust to our new lifestyles. 

We want to let our clients know there is nothing more important to us than your health and safety. We have put a lot of thought into how we can take extra steps for everyone's protection and concluded with your help we can add $1 to each person that will provide you with a face mask,   tissue cover, and  hand sanitizer during this time. We will also be temporarily eliminating our head & sinus face massage. As an added precaution we are changing the delivery system for our aromatherapy-infused oxygen to an individual    nasal cannula so we can continue to provide you with this beneficial service. These steps are necessary to continue serving you with great quality services that will aid in keeping you healthy.  


Of course we already diligently clean and sanitize our hands and equipment before and after each client. These extra precautions are to ensure added peace of mind that you can still receive your relaxation during this trying time.


                                                                                                        ~ theBACKstop Relaxation Team



  * This will begin once we receive these items which have delayed shipping due to supply and demand. 

** There may be a small additional charge for the nasal cannula. 







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